05 January 2011

New Year, New Blog Posts

So I've decided to start blogging again.

Disclaimer: The rest of this post is just me running my mouth. It's nothing profound. But you can keep reading if you really want. -ed.

The problem here, though, is that I hate talking on my bog. But then I have nothing to post. I think it's like when you watch home recordings of yourself, or more like when someone points a video camera at you, and you move out of the way. When I watch older home recordings of myself, or read earlier posts, I enjoy it. But if they're recent I hate it. Anyway, yeah, I don't like anything that I've written here so far. I find it rewarding to read my friends blogs. I think that maybe they will find some value in this. Maybe not. I guess I'm very particular about it all. I don't want to re-write anything here. I want it to feel sort of stream-of-consciousness, or whatever. But I don't want it to drag on and be long and un-concise (inconcise??).  I have a journal, so I feel silly if I treat my blog like a journal. I mean, it's online and everything, so it's not really the place to talk about everything super personal in my life. I feel like mentioning that I'm listening to Arcade Fire right now, and loving it. I'm listening to a playlist made by Cat Cowan, which was on her blog. Which was one of the blogs that inspired me to make this post. I'm curious as to if she's ever read my blog.  Now the song West Coast is on. Gideon Graves has rad music. In between Arcade Fire and Coconut Records, "Fell In Love With A Girl" (a long-time personal favorite of mine) was playing. I didn't get anything typed here while it played cause my computer was being wack and freezing up. If you ever do read my blog, Cat, you should comment here. Especially because I'm being complimentary (complimentative?) of your music taste. Oh snap, Mini Tigers. "Like or Like Like" - I heard this one live. Quite enjoyed it.

I just had the thought that tags will help me find a renewed interest in blogging. I don't think interest is the word I'm looking for. I'm already interested. It'll help me worry less about my posts. Because I can label them with tags like "Rambling" or "Run-on" and then I don't feel like I'm giving any sort of false expectations or illusions to my readers.  I should put a disclaimer above this post. Just did. Booya.

Okay, so, by now I can't remember what else I was considering talking about in this post when I began. I've got some other junk I could talk about, like my spending habits, but that would get it's own post, I think. And it'd probably be a boring one, so I'd tag/label it as boring, and then feel pretty much a-okay about posting it.

Until next time,

1 comment:

Erin said...

I enjoy this.
And Arcade Fire.