29 January 2011

Gmail Chat

9:37 PM George: You've been invited to this chat room!
  now tash, text kevbot
  from gmai
9:38 PM Dakota: I don't know how to do that... Pat, what is the thing that you use??
 George: pat, tell Pat the address you'd text kevin from
9:39 PM me: Uh, lemme check
  Kevbot's just gonna get on gmail chat
 Dakota: sweet beans
9:40 PM George: and none will be the wiser!
  okay, so here's what we got for rides:
 me: But for future reference, from gmail you can text his phone at8016629975@tmomail.net
 George: My sister can drive her and Bambi, and another couple
 me: aight
 George: Weston can drive himself and another couple
  and I think that's it
 me: aight
 George: we have seven couples, yes?
 Dakota: My parents... Shiver shiver
9:41 PM me: To drive?
 Dakota: yeah.
 me: If so, Sheagirl is riding in that car
 Dakota: They said if we cant get rides.
 George: me and liesel, Bambi and Farly, Pat and Mole, Tash and Amanda, Keenan and whomever, Shea and Stargirl, and Weston and Lauren
9:42 PM me: And that's everybody?
 George: is that all?
 me: think so
 Dakota: you nailed it!
 George: okay, so 7 couples
 me: coool
 George: weston can drive two, my sister can drive two
  so that leaves 3
 Dakota: where is the bot we call Kev?
9:43 PM George: he's on, dingus
 Kevin has joined
 George: there's the man!
 Kevin: I'm in a group! A real band!
 me: woot
 George: a real shapoopie
 me: So Kevin, I'll feel you in
  (if you know what I mean)
 George: so if Kevbot is willing to drive..
9:44 PM me: We've got 7 couples. We have two cars that can fit 2 couples. That leaves 3 couples.
 George: you have room for seven in the LBJ, yes
 Kevin: yes that works
 Dakota: Yes!
 George: so my sister drives two, weston drives two, and kevbot drives three
 me: Here's the dealio about teh LVJ
9:45 PM George: eh?
 me: One person is gonna have to shit sotgun, up there with Kevbot
 George: shi?
 me: oops!
 George: ha!
 me: Sit shotgun.
 George: hilarious!
 me: (admittedly I noticed the typo before hitting enter)
 George: that had me laughing....
9:46 PM right, but screw whoever cares so much that they HAVE to sit by their date
 sheaman has joined
 George: so, screw Shea
  oh! Hey Shea
 me: Make Sheagirl go with Westauren
 George: planning for prom, aight?
9:47 PM Shea?
 sheaman: Hey, dudes
 George: here's the lowdown:
 Dakota: I am willing to go with Kev. but let's make Keenan sit S**t gun
 me: Hey Shea, you missed the swears
 George: seven couples, yes?
 sheaman: Sounds good
 me: Svencouples
 Kevin: Keenan can't come in my car
  cool couples
 George: no Keenans allowed!?!
 me: Me and Mole are fer sure with teh kevboat
9:48 PM George: Sa-weet!
 sheaman: What about westdog's car
 Kevin: who's in my car?
 George: time out
 sheaman: I am!
 me: George and Leslie can come in teh LVJ with me and molie-o
 George: no, Shea's with Weston!
 sheaman: No way!
 me: Sheagirl rides with Westlauren
 Dakota: I want Kev's car!
 George: Actually, me and Liesel were planning on going with my sis
 sheaman: I want kevs car!
 me: oh, aight
 sheaman: And to ride in it!
9:49 PM Dakota: No way! I have the cooler date!
 sheaman: So says you!
 George: uh, my couples the coolest, agreed?
 me: Rock, Paper, Skissers
 George: any opposed?
 Dakota: Kevin would probably agree with me!
 sheaman: Rock!
 Dakota: Paper!
 sheaman: Scissors
 George: uh... paperskissors?
 sheaman: I win!@
 me: Wait - let's make teh Kevboat choice
9:50 PM George: okay, everyone stop stating their opinions, okay?
 Dakota: Kevin, I am going with amanda, she is cooler than shea.
 George: what did I just say!?!
 sheaman: Not done
 George: Tash is officially banned from speaking his mind
 me: What did Georgie just say!?!?
  Tough, bro, but you abuse it and ya lose it.
 sheaman: What THe F***did george just SAY!!??
 Dakota: it wasn't my fault
 George: shut up
 Dakota has left
 me: second'D
 George: not you, Tash, everyone
 me: queerbate
 George: ugh...
 sheaman: For reals. What's the plan stans.
 George: looks like he'll get what he gets, whatever we decide
 me: yup
 sheaman: for sure
9:52 PM George: time out
  here's the lowdown
  me and liesel, Bambi and Farly, Pat and Mole, Tash and Amanda, Keenan and whomever, Shea and Stargirl, and Weston and Lauren
  is that everyone, Shea?
 sheaman: Sounds like everyone.
 me: Dan is doing his own thing, right?
9:53 PM George: prolly
 Kevin: ew gross, no date for Dan?
 sheaman: I believe so.
 George: and since Tash is gone, he can ride with Weston
  and me and Liesel will ride with my sis and Bambi
  so in Kevin's car, that leaves Keenan, his date, Pat, Mole, Shea, and Stargirl
 me: aight
9:54 PM George: decided?
 me: sounds good
 sheaman: Sounds good
 Kevin: but Dan's seriously.... ?!
 George: yeah, he's going asexual
 me: just don't worry 'bout that guy
9:55 PM So does anyone know if Crystal is going?
  She told me she was gonna go even if she didn't get asked. Although it's couples only... so I dunno.
 George: I heard she's going with her shudder shudder brother
 me: and they'll ride together?
 sheaman: Whoa, really? Don should just ask her.
9:56 PM me: Or will they want to be with Amanda?
  I've tried to convince Don, but he keeps saying it sounds "sooo dumb"
  He seems jealous, and yet, no one is stopping him from coming
 George: right.... I don't know what that's about
 sheaman: Yeah, you never know with that guy.
9:57 PM George: so, we could possibly give Kevbot a break if Crystal can drive
  unless Kevbot really wants to, of course
 me: Does Crystal have a van?
9:58 PM George: she's got the Suburban Legend
 me: tight
 sheaman: Did you guys discuss a day activity?
 me: nope
  But before we leave rides, one more complication
  Mole lives pretty far away
9:59 PM The only person we could probably get to go that far is Kev, cause he's such a tropper
 George: mostly the latter
 sheaman: Yeah, what a guy
10:00 PM me: Anyway, we still have to day activities and dinners to think about
 sheaman: Right.
 me: which once again will be more complicated thanks to mole
10:01 PM George: dang ol' mole
  what a chopper
 me: laugh out loud
  (for serious)
 George: kinda like the sit shotgun, that had me going for a good 10 seconds
10:02 PM me: So... food
  I'm thinking Chinese would be way good
 George: no.
10:03 PM sheaman: Agreed. Lets consider our options. There's the Joy Luck. We could also go to Wendy's.
 me: The Pie, then?
 George: yessir
  best I've ever had at Wendy's is homemade pizza
10:04 PM me: Right now I'm really in the mood for chinese, so that's skewing my decision
 George: no.
 me: In reality, the pie is a way cooler joint than joy duck
 George: what's a joyshea?
 me: So we have to think. Hip joint, or happy ducks?
  Hip joint - it's like two jokes in one.
10:05 PM George: ducks can kiss my f
 me: a
 George: rt?
 me: exactly.
10:06 PM So I think we should make Keenan or his date sit sh*tgun in the LVJ
 George: there was speculation about seeing a movie, and hanging at the gateway as a day activity
  oh, right
 sheaman: Yeah, keenan. Shotgun. Or his date.
10:07 PM George: spelling phail
 me: I'm not crazy about seeing a movie
 George: kiss a butt
 sheaman: What movies are even showing?
 George: good question
 me: I think Wolverine starts the day before
  So that'd be maybe cool
 sheaman: Eh
 George: Mat 1st!
  that's Wolverine
 me: Tes! Let's do it!
10:08 PM George: so, we'll see Wolverine/ hang out at the gateway?
 sheaman: Doesn't sound too bad
 me: yeah, that could work
 George: that way the couples can do their own thing
 sheaman: That actually sounds pretty chill
 George: so people who aren't afraid to spend money
 me: Would we drive down there in casual clothes, drive back, change, drive back down for dinner n dance?
 George: but those who don't, don't have to
  sounds like it, yeah
10:09 PM sheaman: Sounds cool
 Kevin: t bag
 me: hmmm
 George: and me and my date can go get ice cream! And Tash won't have to because he's tight on money!
10:10 PM Kevin: dude, george, tell Pat to stop t bagging me over here!
 George: now let's be nice to Tash;
 Dakota has joined
 George: okay, Tash's stating his mind is reinstated
 me: I'm wondering if Mole will have to miss the day activity
10:11 PM George: man, I t bag Kev every gosh darn day!
 sheaman: I bet you could work something out.
  I dunno
 George: oh yeah, what's the deal with the band fest?
 sheaman: We get back about noon
  Or so.
10:12 PM George: so do we want to leave for our day activity around 1 or 2?
 sheaman: Yeah
 George: then chill for, say, two-three hours, with the movie included of course
 me: Considering the hour and a half round-trip ride to the Molehill, going to salt lake twice would not be possible
10:13 PM George: oh yeah...
 me: But, I'll still come to the day activity
  Me and Kevbot will chill
  without grrls
10:14 PM George: sweet!
 me: totally
  That'll just save me bucks on a wolverine ticket
10:15 PM On another note - this is less traditional, but who's thinking Prom playlist?
 George: that'd be awesome
 George: if I was in your car...
  but still!
 me: we'll burn 3 cd's!
10:16 PM George: sa-weet!
  alright, so do we wanna pause and recap on what the plan is real quick?
 me: yeah
 sheaman: And afterwords we can try and sell them to our dates along with a sentimental slideshow dvd!!
  Oh, sorry
 me: Georgie, take it away
 George: yes sir
10:17 PM me and Liesel and Kim and Bambi in Kim's car. Weston and Lauren and Tashi and Amanda in Weston's car. Keenan and face, Pat and Mole, Shea and sheagirl in Kevbot's car
10:18 PM for driving
  leave for the movie around one or two, depending on movie time
  we're seeing Wolverine, then hanging out on our own in couples for however long we want, depending on who we're riding with
  then heading back to C-ville
10:19 PM me: then everyone gets naked
 George: Pat!
 Kevin: YES!!!!!!!!!!!
 George: NO!
 sheaman: w00t
 me: Alone, mind you.
 George: that's after we get to the dance!
 me: Then everyone (well I dunno 'bout the Keenster) will shower.
  Then we'll put clothes on.
 George: we get to the dance in all formal clothes and stuff
  we leave naked@
 me: Oop, Georgie's way ahead of me
10:20 PM George: so Pat picks up Mole around whatever time he can, then we depart for the pi around...6:30?
  then after the Pi, we hit up the dance
  then after we're naked
  we go home and sweet lady freedom!
  let's make out!
10:21 PM me: wooooot!
 sheaman: sounds like a plan!
 George: so that's the whole deal? Let's run it by Weston and Keenan
  and Bambi
 sheaman: Good deal
 George: and if possible, Crystal might be able to drive in stead of Kevbot
10:22 PM any objections or change in plans?
10:24 PM me: At a further time we could maybe plan for secret codes and such
 George: 12:30 PM
3:10 PM
5:45 PM
8:30 PM
11:10 PM
 me: and emergency scenarious
 George: show times for Wolverine next week
 Dakota: I wanna wear a sock
 George: just a sock!
 me: fun
 George: I wanna see Tash in just a sock@
  so... 3:10 showing?
10:25 PM me: How long is the flick?
 George: we'll have to buy tickets a buttload in advance, because that's the first day Wolverine is showing
  1 hour, 59 minutes
 sheaman: So like tomorrow?
 me: yeah, let's try
10:26 PM Dakota: I wanna popcorn hat. any objections/
 sheaman: Knock yourself out
 George: we'll buy tickets online tomorrow? Or do we wanna buy that at the movie theater, say, when you go to spyhop?
 me: I don't even know what that is...
  Let's try and buy over the phone tomorrow after schoo
 sheaman: Spyhop is a not for profit organization
10:27 PM They help youth express themselves
 George: ha!
  express? Is that what you call child pornography, Shea?
 me: I don't even know what a popcorn hat is...
 sheaman: Pat would know more about that wing of spyhop
 George: look, forget the popcorn hat, let's all just have a popcorn fight
 Dakota: it is the carten that popcorn comes in, but when it is empty I put it on my head...
 me: oh, I do
 sheaman: But if you want a real expert ask Don.
10:28 PM George: okay, we don't care about Spyhop at the time
  it's great and all, but later dood
  so, 14 tickets come to 91 bucks
 me: aack!
10:29 PM sheaman: Gasp
 George: the whole thing is pretty much empty
  seating=very available as of right now
 me: sweet
 Dakota has left
 Kevin: finally!
10:30 PM George: that's Saturday, May 2nd, 3:10 Showing
10:31 PM so we're good?
  everybody happy?
10:32 PM me: Lemme make sure Kevin actually has looked at the times and stuff
 George: we'll talk about this at school tomorrow, I presume
  oh snap!
  Kevbot's got work until 5, yes?
 me: I dunno, he's on the phone so he's ignoring me
 George: so he kinda can't drive to the day activity...
10:33 PM plus, if Kevin gets off at 5, he'll pretty much have to go straight up to Morgan to pick up Mollie
10:34 PM so Pat, you'll have to leave to pick up Mole early, pick up whoever else you're driving to the pi
  then get to the pi by 7 or whatever
10:36 PM me: So the kids in the LVJ, are we all gonna have to miss the day activity?
10:37 PM George: no, just Mole
 me: But how will we ride to the day activity if Kev's at work?
 George: Funk runner@
10:38 PM I dunno...
  that's actually not a bad idea
 me: still, we'd need a ride to the funk runner
 sheaman: Yeah, if somehow we could get a ride to woodscross that'd work
 George: oh, don't be a baby
  ride to the front runner's easy
10:39 PM sheaman: maybe Don would be willing
 George: psh, Pat's mom or someone could do it
 sheaman: Maybe I could get the ol' Kelsey to do it
 me: But picking up all the people from their homes is probably gonna take over half an hour, the additional fifteen minutes to salt lake is cheaper than 20 bucks on frontrunner tickets
10:40 PM The frontrunner is only good for going solo, and even then, only real good if you bike there and ride free
 George: we need to talk to Crystal
10:41 PM me: yeah
 Kevin has left
10:44 PM George: well I dunno...
10:45 PM me: (random interjection, do y'all know about freerice.com ?)
  (you pick the right synonym and donate ten grains of rice to starving kids)
  (I just donated like 10 bowls)
10:46 PM George: sounds awesome
 me: I rock at it too
  I'm on a roll
10:47 PM George: ooh!
  so let's talk about prom tomorrow
  at school
 me: aight
 George: so see y'all later
 me: oh, dude
 sheaman: bye
 me: Could you bring my backpack?
10:48 PM George: did you leave it?
  sure, I'll tie it to mine so I don't forget
 me: thanks man
  I just might bring you something good as a thankful gesture
10:49 PM George: that would be awfully nice of you
 me: Who knows, it could be a cookie, it could be a punk band
 George: punk band FTW!
 me: hopefully, for you, both
 George: yay!
  I hope!
 me: me too!
10:50 PM in closing, man, I love you guys
  also, donate rice and be cool
 sheaman: cool rice
 George: I'm doing that right now
10:51 PM is there any significance in what level you're on?
 me: I can't tell
  The words get harder
10:52 PM but it doesn't donate more rice
 George: that's ghey
 me: I think it just keeps it interesting, but raising the difficulty and giving you a goal
  Cause I'm on level 34 and want to reach 60
 George: ferocity = fierceness!
10:53 PM fo' shizzle
 me: woot
 George: well, I'm closing gmail to work on free rice
  so, see ya
 me: cool beans
  what level are you on?
 George: just started, level 10
10:54 PM see ya later, for serious
 me: cool, keep it up my good man
 George: y'all biscuit heads!
  but remember;
  clarity = clearness!
 George has left
 me: good guy
10:55 PM sheaman: For sure
10:56 PM Have you read Carl Sagan's "Invisible Dragon" thing?
 me: What? No
  What is it?
  Sounds rad
 sheaman: Its...kind of rad. Dan posted it as a note on facebook. You should read it.
10:57 PM It's*
  I'm having an argument with some nub over it.
 me: huh
  I'll go check it out once I reach 1000 rice
 sheaman: Cool beans
 me: 50 more to go
10:58 PM sheaman: w00t!
  You feed those kids!
11:00 PM me: aight, I'm out

1 comment:

Shea said...

I can't believe I read that whole thing. What nostalgia!