10 September 2011

Munchy months

Happy 9/10/11 Everybody!
You know, I wish there were 18 months in a year.  So that in ten years we could have 18/19/2021.  How cool would that be? Plus we'd have more months, so that would just be cool on it's own merit. In a 365 day year divided equally into 18 months, there would be 20 days a month, so 18/19/2021 would be New Year's Eve Eve. Eve ryone would have to memorize more month names with the 18 month system obviously, but we would make it worth the extra effort by giving the new months really cool names.

Here's how I see it going down:
  • Infelicitas - This would be the 13th month. And it would actually kinda suck cause 13 is bad luck, and you would probably have crappy things happen to you every day.  But it would only be 20 days long! So that's pretty cool!
  • Fascinust - A lot of the names for months are based off deity from ancient Greek and Roman mythology.  I think a simple visit to his wikipedia page will explain why Fascinus deserves to have the 14th month in his honor. For those to lazy to go to his page: he is the Dong god.
  • Intercalaris - This guy used a to be a month, that is until Li'l Ceasar stuffed him in the closet to be forever forgotten. Well, you can stop hanging out with R. Kelly now, Intercalaris, because it's time come out of the closet.
  • Chuckuary - Chuck Norris, a living deity (the god of Roundhouse Kicks), gets the 16th month.
  • Funk - It's the coolest! 17th month ahoy!
  • Dragonvember - No explanation necessary.
Anyway, I know I haven't posted on here in ages.
Sorry about that.

More coming soon!

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