02 March 2011

Carl's House

A couple weeks ago I was stuck at Carl's House, and I wrote the following into my notebook:

"We usually don't plan breaks for ourselves.  Well, some people do.  Sometimes we plan a vacation, but it's really a lot of work, and it's expensive, and it ends up causing more stress than it was supposed to relieve.  (The word relief is similar to re-life.)  (Kings of Leon remix on the radio.  And before this we had Postal Service, which was great.)  Sometimes the only time we slow down and take a break and relax is when all our plans go wrong.  Right now I'm stopped at Carl's House, just waiting for a bus.  I barely missed the last one, leaving me with about an hour and a half to wait.  The moment when everything falls apart may be the only time we actually feel free.  Ferris Bueller knew he had to take a day off.  Some people don't.  Sadly, some people seem just unable to cool down, and when they get stuck it only makes them more stressed.  That's why I can be sitting in a bus, parked on the side of the road, just outside of Beaver, with the freeway closed due to bad weather, and I'm just smiling while people around me are getting more and more worked up by the minute.  (San Diego trip.)  Am I trying to say that giving up control can mean giving up our misery? I think one of the 4 Noble Truths is that letting go of desire is letting go of suffering.  Weezer says if you want it, you can have it.  You just have to learn to reach out and grab it.  Okay, so, I'm really just saying that cause Photograph came on the radio.  Anyway, I'm gonna go out to the stop now.  Peace shalom."

Not to toot my own horn here, but I think I'm onto something with that bit about Ferris Bueller.  For my screenwriting class this year I have to write a full-fledged, feature-length, 120 page script.  The story I'm working on is about 3 kids going on a road trip, and the main character is so worried about reaching his destination on time that he's not enjoying the trip at all.

I've toyed around with the idea of doing a music suggestion at the end of each blog post, or having a sidebar of a playlist on my blog.  I think on Cat's blog she has a sidebar that says "My current music fad: ______."  I'd like something kinda like that.

For now I'll just try this-

Really doing it for me: Best Coast.

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